The Sudbury Devil
In the late 17th century, two Puritan witch hunters travel to a small Massachusetts town investigating rumors of devil worship, and are irrevocably transformed by the ungodly forces they encounter.
Dir. Andrew Rakich • 1 hr 30 min • Color • 4x3 • Unrated • English CC
Includes a making-of documentary, a premiere night Q&A, and three audio commentaries.
The Sudbury Devil (2023)
In the late 17th century, two Puritan witch hunters travel to a small Massachusetts town investigating rumors of devil worship, and are irrevocably transformed by the ungodly forces they encounter.
The Making of The Sudbury Devil
Learn how the intrepid indie filmmaking troupe behind The Sudbury Devil overcame fainting sicknesses, freak sleet storms, and (according to some) a witch's curse in this exclusive behind the scenes documentary.
Premiere Night Q&A at The Satanic Temple
Featuring director Andrew Rakich, producer Veronika Payton, composer Dillon DeRosa, actors Benton Guinness, Josh Popa, Linnea Gregg, Kendra Unique, and Matthew Van Gessel. Special appearance by Dr. Justin Sledge, expert in western occultism. Moderated by Karl Kasarda, minister of Satan.
Filmmaker Commentary by Andrew Rakich, Veronika Payton & Eduardo Urueña
Cast Commentary by Benton Guinness, Linnea Gregg, Josh Popa & Matthew Van Gessel
Historical Commentary by Andrew Rakich & Dr. Justin Sledge